ICL Surgery in Hyderbad | Implantable Contact Lens Surgery

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Is it good to use skincare products around the eyes after ICL surgery?

Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery has been touted as a pioneering technique in vision correction, especially in Hyderabad, where it has been quite popular. There is a topic of concern regarding post-operation care, especially around the eyes skincare. In this article, important factors related to skincare following ICL surgery are explored.

Understanding ICL Surgery

Before we delve into matters about skincare, it is only fair we have a short clarification on what ICL surgery involves. It is a surgery wherein a biocompatible lens is positioned in the eyes, which offers a permanent solution for vision correction. The reason for the popularity of ICL eye surgery is because of its effectiveness and shorter recovery time.

  • Skin Care Before and After ICL Surgery

Pre-ICL surgery and post-ICL surgery need a revisit to skincare routines. This is why, before the procedure, it is necessary to keep the skin around the eyes clean and hygienic so that the possibility of incurring an infection is minimal. The game can change slightly after the surgery.

  • Post-Surgery Skincare: The Immediate Recovery Phase

The fact of immediate recovery after ICL surgery is also important. At this stage, we recommend staying away from any skin care products near the eyes. This area is touchy, and foreign substances can complicate matters.

  • Postoperative Care after ICL Surgery Long-Term Skincare

After they overcome the initial recovery period, you can introduce skincare products gently. Instead, go for gentle, soothing formulas. It is advised to take suggestions from your ICL surgeon for suitable product choices.

  • Long-Term Skincare After ICL

After the recovery phase, skincare products can then be reintroduced slowly. However, choose mild, non-irritating formulas. You need to refer your ICL surgery specialist for specific product ideas.

10 Things That You Should Avoid with Skincare Products

  • Gentle Application: Do not rub or pull the skin around the eyes.
  • Natural Ingredients: Choose products with fewer chemicals.
  • Avoid Direct Contact: Make sure products do not reach the eyes.

The Right ICL Surgeon in Hyderabad

It is crucial to choose a highly skilled ICL surgeon. ICL Surgery, Hyderabad, is one of the best options. A good surgeon not only carries out the surgery in an efficient manner but also gives detailed instructions on how to take care of the skin after the operation.

Follow-up after surgery is important. These follow–up visits help your surgeon review the healing process and provide personalized advice related to skincare and other precautions that should be taken after ICL surgery.


Caring for the skin after ICL surgery should be a balanced process. It is necessary to keep clean and care for oneself but to use too much or the wrong products can be harmful. Always follow your surgeon’s advice, and remember that the road to recovery is just as significant as the surgery itself.